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Eligibility and priority of access criteria for the funded kindergarten program

The following children are eligible for attendance in the funded kindergarten program:

  • Children who have been granted approval to receive funding for a second year of kindergarten in accordance with the Victorian kindergarten policy, procedures and funding criteria (available at

  • Children who were eligible to attend in the previous year.

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children

  • Children with additional needs

  • Children who turn four years of age by 30 April in the year they will attend kindergarten

  • Children turning six years of age at kindergarten who have been granted an exemption from school-entry age requirements by the regional office of DET (refer to Victorian kindergarten policy, procedures and funding criteria, available at

  • Children who are younger than the eligible age, but whose parents/guardians have submitted an early age entry request for their child to attend school the following year. This written request is to be directed to the regional office of DET, or the non-government school the child will be attending. A copy of the approval must be attached to the kindergarten application. Parents/guardians should note that very few requests are approved by DET. If the child attends kindergarten early, but does not proceed to school in the following year, they will be unable to access a second year of kindergarten unless they are deemed eligible by DET for having recognised developmental needs

  • Three-year-old Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and children known to Child Protection may be eligible for the Early Start Kindergarten program. This scheme provides funding to enable children to attend a kindergarten program that is planned and delivered by an early childhood teacher for a specific number of hours. Details are available at



When demand exceeds availability, the Approved Provider will refer to the service’s values, philosophy and Inclusion and Equity Policy to determine the priority of access. This will include:

  • children who have received funding for a second year of kindergarten

  • children who were eligible to attend in the previous year but deferred or withdrew from the service on or before the last day of Term 2.

Other considerations may include date of application, siblings already enrolled at the service, attendance in the three-year-old program and local community zoning.



When enrolling your child you need to provide the following information:

  • Your child’s name and address and details of any special needs information about yourself and any other parents, carers or guardians in your child’s life

  • Details of people who can collect your child information about their medical health and immunization status.


Starting Kindergarten

There are a range of things you can do to prepare your child for kindergarten:

  • Talking to your child about what to expect

  • Reading to your child every day

  • Encouraging your child to be independent by giving them time by themselves

  • Packing a change of clothes for your child and labelling all belongings

  • Encouraging your child to dress themselves, so they can manage tasks like taking their jumper on and off

  • Having practice runs taking your child to the kindergarten before their first day coming up with a goodbye ritual. At first you may want to stay to make sure your child feels secure, but once they settle in, a short goodbye encourages independence

  • Keeping kindergarten staff informed of changes in your child's life that might affect their experiences at kindergarten.


No Jab, No Play

More information about 'No jab, no play' including questions and answers is available through the Department of Health and Human Services, see: No jab, no play - frequently asked questions.


Kindergarten Tours

Apex Preschool Centre  encourages new parent and families to visit the centre before enrolling their child/children.


A tour around the service is conducted by booking.


Book a tour around the service by phone; (03) 52314271 or email us;



Our Commitment 

- Providing equal access for all children

- Meeting the needs of the local community

- Complying with Department of Education and Training  funding requirements relating to the enrolment of children in government-funded  kindergarten places

- Maintaining confidentiality in relation to all information provided on enrolment forms

- Ensuring all families are welcomed and receive an effective orientation into the service.

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