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Code of Conduct Policy 


Mandatory – Quality Area 4




This policy provides guidelines to enable Apex Preschool Center to:



ï‚· establish the expected standards of behavior for the Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, staff, contractors, volunteers, students on placement, parents/guardians and visitors

ï‚· create and maintain a child safe environment that reflects the philosophy, beliefs, objectives and values of Apex Preschool Center promote desirable and appropriate behavior

ï‚· promote interactions at the service which are respectful, honest, courteous, sensitive, tactful and considerate.






Apex Preschool Center, Respects the rights of the child and values diversity,


ï‚· acknowledges the vulnerability of Aboriginal children, children from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and children with a disability and has zero tolerance of discrimination

ï‚· maintains a duty of care (refer to Definitions) towards all children at the service

ï‚· is committed to the safety and well-being of each child at the service

ï‚· is committed to the safety and well-being of all staff at the service

ï‚· provides a safe and secure environment for all at the service

ï‚· provides an open, welcoming environment in which everyone’s contribution is valued and respected

ï‚· is committed to communicating openly and honestly

ï‚· is committed to continually learning how to be inclusive and respectful of cultural needs

ï‚· encourages volunteers, students, parents/guardians and visitors to support and participate in the program and activities of the service.





This policy applies to the Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, staff, contractors, volunteers, students on placement, parents/guardians and visitors attending the programs and activities of Apex Preschool Center. 






Codes of conduct establish standards of behavior to be followed and define how individuals are expected to behave towards each other, towards the children in their care, and towards other organisations and individuals in the community. The Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor and staff have a duty of care to the children attending the service and must ensure ‘that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children being educated and cared for by the service from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury’ (National Law: Section 167). The National Quality Standard requires that staff are respectful and ethical and that ‘professional standards guide practice, interactions and relationships’ (National Quality Standard: 4.2 and 4.2.1).



 Employers also have a legal responsibility to provide, as far as is practicable, a safe workplace that is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment.


Child Safe Standard 3 requires services to develop and review codes of conduct that establish clear expectations for appropriate behavior with children including:


ï‚· how to respond to risks adults may pose to children or that children may pose to each other


ï‚· how to ensure the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and culturally and linguistically diverse children


ï‚· how to be inclusive of all children, including children with a disability.


A Code of Conduct should be informed by the service’s philosophy, beliefs and values, and based on ethical principles of mutual respect, equity and fairness.

Consideration should be given to the Victorian Teaching Profession Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics and to the Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics in developing the code of conduct.



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